Getting to Villa Mima, Muo, Kotor Bay.

There are a number of ways to reach us depending on the airport that you arrive from.

We have listed below the directions if driving by car from Dubrovnik, Podgorica and Tivat as well as taxi and car rental information.


If you would like us to help organise a taxi then please just contact us (expect a fee of between 120 euros from Podgorica and Dubrovnik. And circa 20 euros from Tivat.

Car rental

The usual options apply when renting from Dubrovnik or Podgorica. If renting from Dubrovnik ensure they include a green card as you will be travelling into a different country.

Tip - as the roads around Kotor can be fairly narrow, you would be well advised to get a smaller car which will make it easier in any tight narrow spots.

directions From dubrovnik

1.45 hours drive from the airport

This is mainly a coastal road, a beautiful drive and a great introduction to the stunning Kotor bay as you enter it just after you come into the country from Croatia.

Tip - There are two border control points into Montenegro from Croatia. The new road, and the old road. We recommend taking the old road. Although the secret may now be out, it is generally used by locals and it can save you some time at the border when passport control can become extremely busy.

As an added bonus the old road also provides a much more scenic drive as well.

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from tivat

15 mins drive

By far the best way to get to get to Kotor. A very short & easy drive. 

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from podgorica

1.30 - 2 hours hrs drive

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